I am drawn to things that have a history, that are used or useful: an old blanket, household tools, a wooden spoon, mason jars, cleaning supplies, a worn broom. I have a complex relationship with these things. They are familiar, friendly, worn, insignificant reminders of domestic labor that I enjoy and I resent. In time the objects make me aware of the space they compose: the bedroom, the laundry room, the cleaning closet, the kitchen. These spaces are manageable and managed, made by social and architectural boundaries.
Architectural boundaries are a metaphor for social boundaries; each structures our behaviors and routines, shaping our lives. In my life, I often feel pressured by domestic limits that feel inevitable and unchangeable. Through my work, I am in search of what these limits really are, and how I can change them. Part of me will always exist in the domestic boundaries that I question, but I seek ways to make new routines, spaces, and images that shape a world where I can define what lifestyle makes me happy.
I want to create a world where boundaries are not limiting, but are instead a source of constant reinvention. I have created a room full of mirrors that break up the architectural boundaries of the space through multiple reflections. The mirrors serve a double purpose- they reflect the boundaries that exist, but also work to subvert them. With projected video performance, I refill the room by performing domestic routines, because I wonder if domesticity can be reconsidered as the architecture is. I hope that viewers will see themselves, within these boundaries, but able to recreate them. I see myself in this space, and because it is not one space, but many, I can ask myself what is possible to build anew.