Scientists theorize that the moth is attracted to light either because it is searching for the darkest point behind the light or because it naturally navigates by the moon's light. For this reason, I consider the moth akin to a person searching for a place of refuge prone to being distracted or misguided on their journey. The moth's tragic death is therefore either a result of innocence or a result of ignorance but either way it is self-destructive and represents our detrimental urges.
Because of the way the moth lurks and is camouflaged, it can also be a symbol of mystery. Ultimately, the nocturnal moth's place of refuge is darkness, with darkness usually being associated with danger and the unknown; the refuge place of the moth is safe in that it is a place where a "moth can be a moth". The moth symbolizes the parts of our human selves that we are not always willing to show, the parts that are vulnerable if exposed -- the fragile, intricate parts of ourselves.