Imagine your mind as if it were a house open for a dinner party; your guests see the foyer, the kitchen, the living room, the basement, etcetera but there are often rooms we don’t let people see. This space is designed to be a room erected from the inside. There are no windows or doors. As a result this figure is trapped chained to this wall making the chain and the room the only thing familiar in it. The only thing the figure can do each day is one of two things; dwell in the room as it exists, or pull the chain and break the wall. With pulling the chain the figure both becomes weaker through exhaustion and stronger through repetition. The tension of this trial shows progress in breaking the wall as well as destruction in breaking the figure. The inner light directly contrasts the looming black and shows potential for action as it builds. However, just as the light climaxes it diminishes, showing the constant struggle and labor of the task. It is uncertain whether the figure will ever break the wall or break itself.