From birth, through the process of growth and development, we all experience different cognitive, social, and physical changes. As I have studied human lifespan development in my educational studies courses, I now constantly see what I’ve learned manifesting in my own life and in others.
Painting gives me the ability to visualize information. By combining the process of painting with the psychology of lifespan development, I am able to personify universal and individual markers of developmental milestones. My painting practice was once solely focused on capturing physical likeness through portraiture. Now, my portraiture engages experiences throughout the lifespan to capture more than just a singular likeness.
To connect my personal experience to universal milestones, I paint from my own personal photographs that document my life at its many stages. I choose these images by focusing on milestones I’ve learned to identify in my educational studies. One of many examples of development I wanted to identify was learning to care for others. To show this, I used photographs of me caring for a doll, then a younger brother, and then for friends.
I organize this information by identifying microsystems of social relationships that can serve as an example for viewers’ own relationships and experiences. I identify family members, friends, social groups, and environments where interactions take place. Each image is chosen as a stage marker. The long canvas allows me to capture a sense of time. The entire piece cannot be perceived at once; viewers must move through each moment. I portray a person’s life and the changes that take place from birth to the current moment.
This painting is not just an autobiography. I paint so that others can candidly share their experiences by referencing my own. The experience of looking at an overarching image of development allows viewers to reflect on one’s own life and gives a voice to forgotten and unspoken moments. What’s interesting about seeing life in this way is being able to finally understand the importance of these moments and contextualize all the ways we’ve gotten to where we are. My goal is to inspire introspection. It enables us to reflect on the ephemeral nature of our lives and consider our impact on others. Fundamentally, this painting pays tribute to our lives in all of its stages and all of its complexities.