Redefining Aesthetic Vanguard in 1920’s Buenos Aires: The Boedo and Florida Groups

Mentor: Dr Cristin Cash

Abstract: For my project I have examined the works of two aesthetically and ideologically opposing art movements in 1920’S Buenos Aires, the Boedo Group and the Florida Group. My research focuses on artists, Adolfo Bellocq and Facio Hebecquer of the Boedo Group, and Emilio Pettoruti and Xul Solar of the Florida Group, whose works were on the forefront of promoting aesthetic innovations. Although the two groups held opposing in political affiliations, artistic beliefs, subject preferences, and stylistic tendencies, the members of the Florida and Boedo Groups were key players in transforming the city’s perception of art into the twentieth century. As a collective, the similarities and differences of groups prompted a new direction for art in Buenos Aires and promoted aesthetic innovations that were reflective of the transforming urban environment. The Boedo and Florida Groups represented the tension filled social climate of the day, specifically symbolizing the economic, political, and cultural divisions between the upper and lower classes. Originating from economically opposite spectrums of the urban landscape, the Boedo and Florida artists extended their artistic voices throughout the city, extending the influence of their work to a larger demographic and population, and creating through their works a visible image representing the modern urban culture of the 1920’s.

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